
Revolutionizing Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
CholEffluXTM : Assessing Your HDL Function

CholEffluXTM is an advanced diagnostic test that offers a comprehensive way to evaluate the functionality of your high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as “good cholesterol.” This innovative test utilizes a simple blood draw to assess how effectively your HDL removes low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad cholesterol,” from your arteries.

Benefits of Choosing CholEffluXTM
  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: CholEffluxTM goes beyond traditional cholesterol testing by providing a deeper understanding of your HDL’s ability to protect your heart health.
  • Data-Driven Treatment Decisions: The test results can guide your doctor in personalizing treatment plans to optimize your HDL function and potentially reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Convenient and Efficient: The blood draw procedure is quick and routine, allowing for a simple and efficient way to gain valuable insights into your cardiovascular health.
Who should consider the CholEffluXTM test?

CholEffluXTM testing may be beneficial for individuals who:

  • Have borderline or high LDL cholesterol levels: Even with controlled LDL levels, dysfunctional HDL can still pose a risk. CholEffluXTM can help identify this.
  • Have a family history of heart disease: If you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, CholEffluxTM can provide further insights into your individual risk factors.
  • Are already taking cholesterol-lowering medications: CholEffluXTM can help assess how well your current treatment plan is working and identify if additional strategies might be beneficial.
  • Want to take a proactive approach to heart health: By understanding your HDL function, you can work with your doctor to create a personalized plan to optimize your cardiovascular health.
Cardiovascular Health

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between CholEffluXTM and a traditional HDL blood test?

While a traditional HDL blood test measures the quantity of HDL cholesterol in the blood, CholEffluXTM assesses the functional capacity of HDL to remove cholesterol from heart blood vessels and transport it to the liver for disposal. This additional information provides a more comprehensive understanding of HDL’s role in cardiovascular health.

How does CholEffluXTM help in assessing cardiovascular risk?

CholEffluXTM measures Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC), which is a key indicator of HDL function. By evaluating the ability of HDL to remove cholesterol from blood vessels, CholEffluXTM offers valuable insights into an individual’s cardiovascular risk, enabling healthcare providers to develop more targeted prevention and treatment strategies.

Can CholEffluxTM be used in conjunction with other cardiovascular risk assessment tools?

Yes, CholEffluXTM is designed to complement existing cardiovascular risk assessment tools, such as traditional lipid panels and risk calculators. By providing additional information on HDL function, CholEffluXTM helps paint a more complete picture of an individual’s cardiovascular health.

How often should I consider getting the CholEffluXTM test?

The frequency of CholEffluXTM testing may vary depending on your individual risk factors and medical history. Your healthcare provider will be able to recommend an appropriate testing schedule based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Is the CholEffluXTM test covered by insurance?

CholEffluXTM is not covered by insurance yet.

How long does it take to receive CholEffluXTM test results?

CholEffluXTM test results are typically available within 2-3 weeks of sample receipt at our laboratory. Our team works diligently to process samples and provide accurate, timely results to support your healthcare provider in making informed decisions about your cardiovascular health management.

Who can order CholEffluXTM test?

CholEffluXTM is a lab developed test (LDT) performed in a CLIA certified laboratory and must be prescribed by a physician.

What should I do if my CholEffluXTM test results indicate a low CEC?

If your CholEffluXTM test results indicate a low Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC), your healthcare provider will work with you to develop a personalized plan to improve your HDL function and reduce your cardiovascular risk. This may include lifestyle modifications, such as exercise and dietary changes, as well as medication therapy when appropriate.

Can lifestyle changes improve my CholEffluXTM test results?

Yes, lifestyle factors can influence HDL function and Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC). Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and following a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help improve your CholEffluXTM test results over time.

How does ReligenDX ensure the accuracy and reliability of CholEffluXTM test results?

At ReligenDX, we are committed to providing the highest quality diagnostic testing. Our state-of-the-art laboratory follows strict quality control measures and utilizes advanced technology to ensure the accuracy and reliability of CholEffluXTM test results.

Our team of experienced professionals adheres to rigorous standards to deliver the most precise and dependable results to support your healthcare provider in making informed decisions.

Can I order the CholEffluXTM test directly from ReligenDX?

Currently, the CholEffluXTM test must be ordered by a healthcare provider. If you are interested in the CholEffluXTM test, we recommend discussing it with your doctor, who can assess your individual needs and determine if the test is appropriate for you. Your healthcare provider can then place an order for the test through ReligenDX.

How does the CholEffluXTM test differ from a cardiac stress test?

While a cardiac stress test evaluates the functioning of your heart under physical stress, the CholEffluXTM test specifically assesses the ability of your HDL cholesterol to remove excess cholesterol from your blood vessels. These tests provide different but complementary information about your cardiovascular health.

Can the CholEffluXTM test be used to monitor the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering medications?

Yes, the CholEffluXTM test can be used to monitor the impact of cholesterol-lowering medications on HDL function and Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC). By comparing test results over time, your healthcare provider can assess the effectiveness of your treatment plan and make adjustments as needed.

Is fasting required before the CholEffluXTM test?

No, fasting is not required before the CholEffluXTM test. However, your healthcare provider may provide specific instructions based on your individual circumstances. It is important to follow any preparation guidelines provided by your doctor to ensure accurate test results.

How does the CholEffluXTM test help in the management of metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. By assessing HDL function and Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC), the CholEffluXTM test provides valuable information that can help guide the management of metabolic syndrome.

Healthcare providers can use CholEffluXTM test results to develop targeted interventions and monitor treatment effectiveness in individuals with metabolic syndrome.

Can the CholEffluXTM test be performed on individuals of all ages?

The CholEffluXTM test is generally recommended for adults who have risk factors for cardiovascular disease or have been diagnosed with conditions such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, or metabolic syndrome.

The appropriateness of the test for children or adolescents may depend on their specific medical history and risk factors. Your healthcare provider can determine if the CholEffluXTM test is suitable for you or your family members based on individual circumstances.